Here are five areas where we hope Scouts can make a difference:
1. Plant a Tree
2. HeforShe
Women and girls make up half the world’s population, but even in the 21st century
equality remains a long way off. In some countries, girls are denied the opportunity
to reach their full potential, kept away from school or forced to marry when they’re
still children. In many others, women get paid far less than equally qualified men
doing the same job and make up only a tiny percentage of people in decision-making
positions, either in politics or business. The UN’s HeForShe initiative brings men and
women together, to fight for equality and ensure women and girls everywhere have
equal rights and access to opportunity. Speak up and show your support for
HeForShe this Founder’s Day.
3. Grow the Movement
There are more than 50 million Scouts around the world – that’s just over twice the
number of people that there are in Australia - but we want to be even bigger. This
Founder’s Day, reach out to your friends and community. Bring them along to your
next event, and show them how much fun Scouts have. Together, we can reach our
goal of becoming the world’s largest educational youth movement by 2023, with a
membership of 100 million Scouts!
4. Support Scouts
Need money for uniforms or to spruce up your Scout hut? Forget Kickstarter or
GoFundMe, if you’re a Scout and you want to raise money for your project, the Scout
Donation Platform is the answer. Browse through the projects on the site and give money to the ones that interest you.
5. Share a Meal
We live in a world where we produce more than enough food to feed everyone, yet
one in nine of the world’s population – some 800 million people – are still going to
bed hungry. One in three people suffer malnutrition, and many parents are unable
to provide their children with a nutritious meal. Do something to tackle the problem.
Share a meal with someone in need this Founder’s Day and help fight hunger.
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